Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"I made mistakes, like everybody else, but instead of getting over it, I can't forgive myself."

How unfortunate.

This year:

register the Lincoln, drive like a PimpKing
More yoga. We want long lean muscles (and thighs that do not touch)

Better diet- sorry booze, but this means you. I know, we've had such a long, meaningful history together and I'm sorry, but this is how it has to be. You know I'll always love you, I just can't be with you right now. We're no good for each other. You know I'm not lying. I can go on without you as long as I know you'll always take me back. I'll miss you, Whiskey.

Get a-mothafuckin-agent. Not a literal 'mothafuckin' one persay, but I'm openminded.
I want abs like Ellen Page in 'Hard Candy'
No excuses, get up, let go, live it.

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